When you pre-order a domain, you are first directed to set up an account, or login to your existing account if you already have one.
To fulfill a pre-order when the TLD launches, there are three key things we need, which is why this account is required.
- Valid email address: without an email address, we have no way of informing you of additional gTLD details as they come in, such as launch dates and pricing.
- Valid credit card: to make the purchase of your pre-order on launch day, we need to have a valid credit card on file.
- Valid billing address: the law requires that you have to have accurate billing information, which includes an address, for each domain purchased.
The pre-order will mostly look like a regular domain registration except that the price will be $0.00, since we only bill pre-orders shortly before launch. (We notify you before billing.) Just follow the prompts as you would for a regular registration checkout process.
Once you are done with the pre-order, you can manage all of your domains from the Pre-orders section in your dashboard once you've logged in to your account. From that page, you can delete your pre-order at any point until the launch date, by clicking the trash can icon next to the pre-order domain.
A few weeks before the launch date, we will send out an email that clearly outlines all of the important information and next steps to properly secure your domain. This includes:
- launch date and time
- price
- what domain(s) you pre-ordered (in case you forgot)
- reminder to ensure your account and billing details are correct
- a brief explanation of the process.
Launch date
Please note that iwantmyname will not take part in any priority launch phases where domains are offered at a premium price by the underlying registry (e.g. sunrise or landrush). Pre-orders are submitted once a TLD is released for general registration at its standard price.
In case there are multiple pre-orders for a domain in our system, we will do an internal lottery first. If your domain is selected, it is your pre-order that gets ordered first.
If your pre-order is registered elsewhere during a priority launch phase as mentioned above, we will not be able to register the domain for you.
There could be multiple registrars trying to register the same domain on launch day. Since domains are registered on a first-come, first-served basis, another registrar could register your domain before we do (but we're pretty fast).