New Zealand's Domain Name Commission, aka DNCL, the registry for all .NZ domain names, requires authorised registrars to offer their Individual Registrant Privacy Option (IRPO).
IRPO is an optional privacy service for .NZ domain registrants to enable masking of their registrant information. The IRPO service is available to individuals only, excluding registrants using the domains for business purposes, or as they refer to it, engaged in "significant trade". The service cannot be applied to domains registered to companies.
These are the domain extensions to which the IRPO service can be applied:
- .NZ
- .AC.NZ
- .CO.NZ
The IRPO service does not mask all registrant details that would appear in a WHOIS or .NZ query search. The registrant phone number and postal address are masked. However, the registrant name and email address are not masked.
.NZ domain registrants still need to provide all of the standard details when registering a domain name: name, address, phone number, and email. However, now some of that information can be hidden from public searches.
Unlike the WHOIS privacy service that iwantmyname provides for supporting gTLD extensions by default at registration, the IRPO service cannot be added or removed automatically from your domain dashboard.
If you have registered a .NZ domain name as an individual and would like the IRPO activated for your domain name, or if you have any questions, just let us know.